To be healthy there is no need to take any medicines. Medicines do
not cure the disease, it suppresses the disease and brings new disease in the name of side effect and spoil our
Medicines are purely made up of chemicals. When we keep taking medicines, get lot of problems in all
the five elements.
Only 12 organs are taken for the treatment according to 5 elements theory in Acupuncture.
Medicines are spoiling all the organs connected to the five elements. Some of the symptoms are explained
1. Earth Element: Stomach
and Spleen are belongs to earth element.
cannot digest the chemicals, so it becomes tired when it tries to digest it and the appetite will be poor. As we need to take
the medicines, we keep on taking food at regular interval without worrying about the hungry. Because of that our stomach and
spleen will be damaged, end result good quality of glucose will be reduced and poor quality of glucose will be increased.
good quality glucose will be circulated in our body with the help of insulin. As the good quality of glucose is reduced, insulin
secretion from the pancreas also reduced and which leads to Diabetes. We lose weight and feel tired.
you get Diabetes, body rejects the poor quality glucose through the urine by making the kidney work more, which leads to kidney
failure later.
spleen become weak, the digestion become poor so gas trouble, acidity, ulcer etc starts. More toxins settle on it and spoil
the function. One of the important functions of the spleen is to remove the dead cells from the blood and produce new cells.
When it cannot do this function properly, blood becomes impure and you get blood cancer.
2. Air Element: Large intestine
& Lungs are connected to air element.
stomach and spleen becomes weak, the energy flow to the large intestine and lungs will be reduced, so lungs and large intestine
becomes weak. It leads to problems like constipation, piles, allergy, skin problems, cold, asthma, wheezing, sneezing, throat
problems etc.
medicines are taken to cure cold, cough etc it is not curing the cold, instead it suppresses the cold and it settles in the
lungs, which is the root cause for the asthma & wheezing. When more medicines and sprays are taken for asthma & wheezing
it leads to arthritis and frozen shoulder later.
3. Space (Wood) Element:
Gall bladder & Liver are connected to space element. When these two organs become weak, eyes, muscles and muscle tendons
becomes weak and the eye related diseases like colour blindness, visual problems, reddishness, irritation etc and head ache,
body pain etc disturbs the body regularly.
stomach not in the position to digest chemicals i.e medicines, totally become toxins.
is one of the organs which throw the chemical toxins from what we eat/drink. Whenever we take medicines, liver has to do extra
work to throw the chemical toxins from our body, because most of the water and food we take have chemicals like chlorine,
pesticides etc., for which already liver is working more. As we make habit of taking medicines regularly, the liver becomes
sluggish and the characters of the liver like anger, depression, tension, postponing the work, deciding capability and Inferiority
complex also become worst.
starts segregating poor quality of bile, which is the in-charge of digesting fat from our food. When the fat is not digested
properly, it starts accumulating in our body, which organ is weak. For example, heart; when the heart is weak, starts getting
blocked because of fat accumulation. Angiogram is being taken to know and locate the places of blocks and bypass operation
is done. But, again and again it will accumulate as the root cause is not cured.
When liver becomes weak, you start feeling tired,
total body pain, burning sensation in the eyes and regularly get headaches. To
get relieved from the pains, again we take pain killers, which spoil the liver very badly. So the headache becomes a migraine.
As the muscles become weak, stomach, uterus, urinary bladder, intestines move down from their position.
the liver is damaged, the energy flow to the gall bladder is reduced. The bile in the gall bladder becomes stones because
of the excess heat. Instead of removing the stones, modern medicine removes the gall bladder itself, so patient will have
the digestive problem throughout his life.
killers do not cure the diseases, only it hides the feeling from the brain.
is taking care of the period cycles for ladies, so they get irregular cycles with pain.
BP: When
anyone of the organ in the body is getting damaged badly, the system tries to supply more blood to that organ to cure it.
To supply more blood, heart start pumping more blood, the blood pressure (BP) shoots up. When the affected organ becomes normal,
BP will be reduced automatically. So medicines should not be taken to reduce the BP, which will spoil the heart immediately.
When the liver is getting damaged badly, BP increases to save the liver, you may get giddiness etc.
4. Water Element: Urinary
bladder & Kidneys are connected to water element.
the pregnant ladies take medicines and injections to become healthy, their muscles become weak and uterus is not in the position
to help them for normal delivery. At the time of caesarean, they cut the energy flow path (Meridian) of many organs which
includes kidney i.e. water element. As water element is disturbed, after delivery, they put on more weight, especially in
stomach area.
also has to work to throw the chemical toxins from our blood, at one point of time it also becomes tired and weak because
of excess work. Slowly, toxins start accumulating in our blood and creatinine (toxins) level goes up and has to go for dialysis
(A process of cleaning our blood urea using a machine).
diagnosing the root cause, modern medicine advises the patient to go for kidney transplantation. Our body won’t accept
any foreign body i.e. other’s organs. To make it to accept they give more medicines and in a year time, again kidney
becomes weak.
the kidney is not working properly, we get lower back pain which may lead to disc prolapsed. Ladies will get periods with
back pain, swelling and cysts getting formed in uterus and ovaries. Some people may get cysts in brain and fits too.
the urinary bladder becomes weak, you will not be able to control the urine flow.
will get the problems in genetic organs and poor sperm count.
of water element disturbance, slowly fear starts dominating you and your life.
5. Fire Element: Small intestine,
Heart, Pericardium & Triple warmer are connected to fire element.
are increasing the body heat; the fire (heat) energy in our body is disturbed. Insomnia is one the major problems of this
element disturbance. Heart related problems like heart attack, sudden change in heart beat, block etc.
the heat becomes excess in our body, it kills the sperms, bile becomes stone in gall bladder, skin becomes dry, and you get
pimples, dandruff etc.
is the place where our mind resides (not in brain). So, psychological problems arise easily.
When all the five elements are disturbed, we get all the diseases like Cold, Cough, Fever, Diabetes, BP,
Stress, Asthma, Arthritis, Cancer, Polio, Coma, Cataract, Paralysis, Disc prolapsed, Spondylitis, Men’s/Women’s
problems, Kidney/Gall bladder stones, Infertility, Migraine, Skin diseases, Brain diseases, Chronic diseases, Pituitary/Thyroid
problems, HIV/AIDS etc.
Characters like ego, being proud, jealous, depression, Anger, Fear, sorrow, worries, stealth, robbery, Suicide thought,
Irresponsibility, Illegal sexual relations, Drug addiction, Terrorism, Not respecting to others, Lavishness, Inferiority complex,
cruelty, etc become worst unexpectedly.
For example a rich family’s
child may steal pencil etc in school. Nobody is teaching him to steal and there is no need also for him. But, because of the
disturbance in his one of the organs, he starts stealing. Even though you advise him or punish him, he will not stop it until
that organ is disease free. Like that, we can name many characteristic problems which are a major threat to the society.
Our body itself is capable
of clearing the toxins naturally, but when we get cold, fever, diarrhea, vomiting etc body is trying to throw the toxins out.
At that time, we should give complete rest to our body without taking food. But we are advised to take medicines and before
taking medicines, we take food. It spoils our total system.
So let us stop taking the medicine for any
reason, learn Acupressure/Acupuncture easily and spread it to live in a peaceful society.